Wednesday, July 6, 2011

“You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” -Winnie the Pooh

In particular, I want to find this guy:

kiwi bird = my future pet

The countdown to leave is now 2 days, and I've been wildly getting ready as well as seeing everybody before I head out.  The last few weeks have been some of the busiest and most stressful so far, but totally worth it.  I fly down to Dulles in D.C. to meet up with Brad, then we fly to L.A., then on to Auckland!  We have an orientation put on by the program we're going through (BUNAC), and we are spending a few extra days in Auckland to check out the city, get bank accounts, get phones, and do other boring adult things that I wish didn't exist.  After checking out Auckland, we are renting a campervan and taking a 5-day road trip to Christchurch, which is how I originally traveled in 2006 around Aotearoa (that's Maori for New Zealand, and since I can't pronounce it, I'm going to write it in my blog).  From there, we're taking a bus to Dunedin, where we have to do more stupid adult things like find apartments and jobs... so unfair, I know.  My goal is to live on the beach and work at a winery... hold me to it!

St. Clair beach near Dunedin
Meanwhile, my good pal Kailie informed me that there was a 7.6 earthquake about 500 miles north of New Zealand and a tsunami watch was issued.  Not to worry, the tsunami watch was lifted and they are just advising people to stay out of the water.  Guess I'll have to cancel that surf lesson I had planned.  Oh wait, it's winter and I'm not going anywhere near those icy waters!

I'm trying to relax for the next few days before my life becomes a little whirlwind.  Over and out!


  1. Liz, thanks for taking us all along to the other side of the world on your most wonderful adventure! I look forward to your updates. Have a safe trip.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let me be the first Jewish Mama to welcome you to New Zealand. Can I still welcome you even if I am not there? Sure, why not!
    We, on the northern hemisphere send our love and good wishes.
