I've been waiting to blog so that this could be about my new job, at which point I would post pictures of me dancing happily around my room while shouting, "I have a job! I'm NOT a failure who can't sell a muffin! I don't have to leave Dunedin!" However, if you scroll down you will not find these pictures (not authentic ones, anyways). Dunedin has been a harsh mistress of joblessness. I had a promising interview at a cafe, but as luck would have it, it's snowing again and the city has shut down. The return call from my interview stating, "Liz you have the job. In fact, we were so impressed at the interview that we're turning the company over to you and buying you a house," will have to wait. Sigh...
Snowy view from our balcony |
Looks inviting, eh? |
Snow covered Otago Peninsula (with my fave Dunedin house in the foreground) |
In the midst of the city-stopping 3 inches of snow I've been a little creative in entertaining myself. Quite frankly, the locals have been doing a pretty good job of entertaining me as well. Last night I heard a rumbling and looked out my window just in time to see someone legitimately skiing down my street at 1 am. On the way home from dinner, we saw three guys "sledding:" one with a snowboard, one with a boogie board, and one with a frying pan. In addition, we recently discovered a rather bad-ass playground (the kiwis do NOT mess around) up the street which includes a batman zipline:
Craig |
Flo |
Please note Brad doing a death-defying kart wheel, Flo nearly missing his head |
Do you see the opossum? |
Opossum #2 |
We've also been doing the following to amuse ourselves:
Dancing with coins |
Attacking coins |
Eating snow |
Laughing at funny ads |
Getting pranked by Rich |
...and scrubbing cheap lip gloss off of our hands. |
I just noticed that my posts and pictures have gone from whale's tails and breathtaking scenery to me karate kicking a window ad. Okay, what can I write about that will make my life sound exciting and whimsical... I'm reading books! Nope. I went to a casino, but didn't play anything. No, that's lame. Okay, I saw a super crappy film festival film!! Oh, that's not cool at all. I think I'll take pictures of the dance I'm going to do when I get a job. It looks a little something like this:
Maybe I should try to find a gig as a choreographer. Anyone know the cure for cabin fever? This storm is supposed to last until Thursday...
I had a dream that you got the job, so I am not worried! Brad was there too... saying something cool, but now I can't remember... :-D Love your dance!